A New Way
in Agriculture
TanaMap provides farmes, ranchers, private foresters, and agricultural producers with online self service applications.
New Opportunities
We are the first and only mapping platform that allows you to help farmers.
Connect with our farmers
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Grow your harvest
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Harvest Impact Invesment
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How it works
Take your pick from the supply chain and participate in agribusiness projects that are backed up not only by TanaMap, but also by the best land, family heritage, innovation and overall superior expertise.
Select your farmshare and complete reservation form here.
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The Farm Share has been one of the best new additions to our life
We the farmers choose the vegetables in your share each week. A Farm Share is perfect for those who love the weekly surprise, and who look forward to cooking with inspiration from the seasons.
There is so much love and thought put into this CSA. You can feel that.
We the farmers choose the vegetables in your share each week. A Farm Share is perfect for those who love the weekly surprise, and who look forward to cooking with inspiration from the seasons.
The Farm Share has been one of the best new additions to our life
We the farmers choose the vegetables in your share each week. A Farm Share is perfect for those who love the weekly surprise, and who look forward to cooking with inspiration from the seasons.